December 3, 2011
Acts: The Saga Continues
Some in my "circles" have often commented how we need to get back to basics and become like the "primitive Church". They think that means a simpler form of worship and a clearer connection to God. This sentiment, however pious, often results from misunderstanding the content of Acts. The book of Acts does not give us a detailed account of what the firs century Christians did routinely for corporate worship. Primarily, the focus of this work is to record the testimony of God's faithfulness and power among men in fulfilling his promise of blessing the nations through Abraham. This promise was fulfilled through a message that completely changed the world and the people he used to proclaim it.
November 20, 2011
Christianity and the Culture Wars
The Church today has inherited much knowledge about God and the doctrines that have become the essential core of truth which defines what Christianity is. This knowledge has been accompanied by the privileges paid for through human suffering and sacrifice. Privileges such as translations of the Bible in a language you can understand. We have heard of times when the church was persecuted. We have also heard of times where many believed the message of the gospel and were transformed by its power. Unfortunately, the cycle of peace and persecution revolves around the church and its faithfulness with which it accomplishes its mission. The cycles just before great persecution came seem to be times when the church appears to be weak in the eyes of the community it is in. The church today has been struggling with the question of culture and how to approach it. Apparent weakness exists on both sides of the argument. The Church in our country seems divided. One of the several factors splintering the churches is the question of how to approach our American culture. What in our culture is acceptable and what must be rejected?
November 18, 2011
The Gift of Guilt
All people know deep down inside that they have done things that are wrong. People fail morally whether through intentional acts against others or unintentional "mistakes" that result from our own human inadequacies. Sometimes it feels like we can do nothing right. Even worse, sometimes it feels like we have done nothing wrong! This moral failure whether incidental, accidental, or deliberate is what the Bible calls sin. Sin often results in guilty feelings. Some fight hard to hush the cry of a guilty conscience. Could these guilty feelings be a gift from God?
November 17, 2011
The Relevance of the Christian Pulpit
In chapter 9 of a book titled The Integrated Life, Ken Eldred cited Sherman and Hendricks who found that more than 90% out of a group of 2000 people, regular church attenders, said they never had heard a sermon, read a book, listened to a tape, or been to a seminar that applied biblical principles to every day work issues. He then begins his next paragraph by stating that work is mentioned more than 800 times in the Bible. How many of those who serve the church from a pulpit consider these everyday work issues when crafting their sermons? How many people reading this blog consider the sermons they hear to be out of touch with or completely irrelevant to their life Monday through Saturday?
September 25, 2011
Living a Supernatural Life
Can a person live a supernatural life? If
so, how does one experience a supernatural life? God says through
Paul that if you change the quality of your thinking you will change the
quality of your living. Natural thinking results in natural living.
Supernatural thinking, that is, informing your thinking with the propositional
truths of Scripture, will result in supernatural living. (Romans 12:2) But how do we get there? Does not everyone fail to meet even the simplest standards?
August 7, 2011
“The Word in the World” by David F. Wells
“The Word in the World” by David F. Wells
To those who care about the Church and the current personal and corporate spiritual health of our nation.
August 3, 2011
Back Yard Bible Club: Please Pray for These Little Ones!
"And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise." (Deuteronomy6:6-7 ESV)
My family and I have had the great privilege to serve Christ this week by holding a Back Yard Bible Club at our home. It is much like VBS except that we break up into ministry teams and canvas a broader area in town focusing on strategic locations that reach out to a greater part of our community. I have had the pleasure of having 23-29 kids in my back yard for games, songs, verse memorization, and evangelistic Bible lessons. Please pray for the salvation and edification of children that God brings to our home.
One of my favorite things about this ministry opportunity is that I can involve my entire family. It is a real joy to see my children engage in ministry by loving those who come to their home and sharing their time and space with so many new people. I enjoy seeing them pointing others toward Christ. I also marvel at the intelligence and deep theology some children innocently stumble across. I praise God that he has decided to reveal himself to those who are as little children.
Ultimately, God is the one at work .He is the one who gives the increase through the power of his word and the work of the Holy Spirit. May all the glory and honor be his now and forever more!
"Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil." (Ephesians6:10-11ESV)
Please pray for us and for the children. I would specifically ask that you would pray for a door of opportunity to open for me to speak with some of the parents and tell them about Jesus Christ and his love for them.
My family and I have had the great privilege to serve Christ this week by holding a Back Yard Bible Club at our home. It is much like VBS except that we break up into ministry teams and canvas a broader area in town focusing on strategic locations that reach out to a greater part of our community. I have had the pleasure of having 23-29 kids in my back yard for games, songs, verse memorization, and evangelistic Bible lessons. Please pray for the salvation and edification of children that God brings to our home.
One of my favorite things about this ministry opportunity is that I can involve my entire family. It is a real joy to see my children engage in ministry by loving those who come to their home and sharing their time and space with so many new people. I enjoy seeing them pointing others toward Christ. I also marvel at the intelligence and deep theology some children innocently stumble across. I praise God that he has decided to reveal himself to those who are as little children.
Ultimately, God is the one at work .He is the one who gives the increase through the power of his word and the work of the Holy Spirit. May all the glory and honor be his now and forever more!
"Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil." (Ephesians6:10-11ESV)
Please pray for us and for the children. I would specifically ask that you would pray for a door of opportunity to open for me to speak with some of the parents and tell them about Jesus Christ and his love for them.
July 8, 2011
All the World's a Stage
Shakespeare made the phrase used as a title for this post popular in his pastoral comedy As you like it. His observations of the entrances and exits of human existence were common knowledge. However, his interpretation of these demonstrate the futility of such knowledge. Exactly what Shakespeare meant by the world may be debated but if one understands it to mean creation as the backdrop of human existence then his morbid view of human life becomes even more tragic. This view is so tragic because the world is often taken for granted in all of the experiences that men encounter in life. More importantly, the conclusions that someone can arrive at from this stage position men to experience life in a way that is fulfilling and full of hope. What is the general message of the stage of human existence?
July 2, 2011
Is Theology Science?
A trend has developed since the scientific revolution which has redefined the meaning of science. Rationalism has confined the entire scope of knowledge which can not be experienced to the realm of human reason. Empiricism has further confined knowledge to the realm of nature by demanding truth to be a verifiable observable experience. Add to this a dash of existentialism wherein defining authenticity of existence is an exercise in of itself and you have the the golem of Postmodernism, today's most prevalent worldview. All of these philosophies have been created by men as a reaction to or a rejection of another. Their principles have been affirmed or denied through general consensus. Theology stands as a stark contrast anchored to moorings long ago relegated to the realm of fantasy and mystique. Is theology really science?
July 1, 2011
Should People Fear God?
The fear of the Lord is a very important ingredient in
biblical Christianity. There is no hope of being a Christian without it.
Nevertheless, the fear of the Lord is one of the most commonly neglected or
minimized concepts in contemporary Christianity. The main reason for this is
because it is severely misunderstood. What does it mean to fear God? How is
this important in your walk with the Lord?
June 17, 2011
After Cowpens
I see my
children playing in a field once soaked with blood. Laughter and
joy exuberantly skip and leap down a road that was once trod with thunderous blasphemies
and violence against human life. Now the
grass grows tall and the children play where the wild turkeys strut and
memorials decay. Cowpens, a
battle not wanted yet masterfully planned. Both sides
praying to the same God in the same language yet one side would not win. One hour and
souls hurled into eternity left bodies broken, shattered by the hate that flew
intent on death. One hour and
wounded men lay scarred and marred by mettle bound enshrined by epic lore. One hour
to walk the one mile loop and let the children enjoy a warm summer day. A little
sprinkle from the clouds then sunshine falls on a wooden silhouette representing
a Patriot sniper that set his sights on British brass. The end of
the mile comes. Reflection
starts. I watch the
children play and I am glad. I hope the
field once soaked with blood enjoys the innocence that now skips and leaps upon
its lay. Their
freedom fearfully forged by those who were willing to die yet did all they
could to stand hoping to see their children play. The freedom
now enjoyed is the fruit of hope sown in suffering.
Reap the
harvest and prepare to sow.
June 15, 2011
Family Devotions; Training the Next Generation to Love the Lord
I had the privilege of opening Proverbs chapter 10 with my family tonight. We will probably be spending a few days in this chapter in Proverbs. I had my oldest daughter put four columns on our dry-erase board. We categorized actions and conditions with their corresponding results for those who fear God and for those who do not. The thing I enjoyed most about this time in God's word is that I am teaching them to look into Scripture with the intent to discern what God really wants us to know. Here is a good example.
June 13, 2011
June 12, 2011
May 31, 2011
Trusting God Through Suffering; Job's example
The following is an answer to a person's response to an observation I made about his indignation to the use of Christian cliches as an explanation to the tragedy in Joplin MO. I hope it will edify the church. The person who I wrote this to is a professing agnostic who went to a bible college to prepare for ministry. His studies resulted in his agnosticism.
May 28, 2011
Are you convinced of the truth?
outside of the church today spend their time clinging to ideas that harden
their hearts to the message of the gospel. They confuse fleeting emotional
experiences with spirituality. In the end all they have upon which to base
their opinion is their own knowledge or their faith in someone else’s apparent
wisdom. Unfortunately, many inside the church do the same. I can relate because
I was likewise deceived well into my twenties. The more I listened to those who
had knowledge, the more I was acquainted with differing views, the more
sophisticated and ingrained my ideology. However, one day I experienced the
power of the gospel of Jesus Christ. The
simple message of the gospel has the power to transform all people and give
them victory over sin. In fact, even in its simplicity, it far surpasses all
human knowledge and wisdom. Its limitless quality is part of the reason why its
power can be experienced throughout the entire spectrum of human race and culture.
With the rise of world-wide persecution
of Christians and differing ideas competing to persuade people regarding what
is truth, people need to know why the gospel is so unique. How can we protect
ourselves and our children from being deceived by competing ideologies?
May 18, 2011
The Colossian Heresy: What can we learn from it?
I have been reading through and will be beginning an in depth analysis of the letter to the Colossians. One of the issues which good theologians discuss is the nature of false teaching among the Colossians. This discussion is a result of the attempt to find an actual religious movement that fits into the description deduced from Paul's warnings and commandments to the church at Colossae. This discussion is fascinating from an academic perspective and has resulted in a deeper understanding of some of the cultural and religious influences existing during the first decades of Christianity. However, on a practical level, there are universal principles that apply to us today.
May 13, 2011
Giving Honor to Whom Honor is Due
I graduated May 7th 2011 with a Master of Arts degree in Bible from Bob Jones University. I thank God for the faculty and staff who challenged me and equipped me to pursue God's will. I appreciate your hard work and example of love and Christian character.
I also thank God for the friends that I have made along the way. I appreciate all of your prayers on my behalf. I also appreciated having the privileged to serve God and work with you to advance his kingdom.
I praise God for my children, some of whom have never known daddy to be anything but a student at BJU.
Besides Christ, I am most indebted to my wonderful and godly wife who was willing to hold the comforts of this world loosely so I could pursue God's will. She is a treasure whose worth is beyond measure.
The next step will come in its own time. For now we are given rest. Not a rest of idleness or placid tranquility but a rest in the knowledge that God will accomplish all that he has planned for us. Now is the time to rejoice! Not the rejoicing as if something has finished but a rejoicing that comes from delighting in the privilege of service. We are filled with the joy of having been found faithful and willing to go the distance as the Lord guides and directs. It is in Him that we rejoice for He is our strength and salvation.
Romans 11: 33-36
January 29, 2011
Fields Sown with Seeds of Bitterness
9 As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you.
Abide in my love. 10 If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love,
just as I have kept my Father's commandments and abide in his love. 11 These
things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may
be full.
(John 15:9-11
I was
talking with a man about righteousness, truth, and the Lord Jesus Christ last
night. He is convinced that there is
something between him and God "like a dark cloud" as he put it in his
own words. I found that he was equating
his fulfillment with material possessions and a quality of life that everyone
"should" have. He is a
regrettable consequence of a cultural element that has fed off of creating a
victim mentality and an attitude of entitlement among the poor in our
land. He blames the wickedness of other people
especially those who are racist and have opportunities he never had. He is a gentle mannered giant with a heart
full of bitterness and pride. I love him
to death but can't stand his hard-headedness. Education and hard work has
failed him. The only solution he sees is
if the government steps in and saves the day. He has lost hope in anything
else. The problem is too big for him to
deal with.
January 24, 2011
Living an Eternal Life Now Part 6: The Only One Worthy of Your Devotion
The stone that the builders rejected has become
the cornerstone. (1Peter 2:4-5)
cornerstone used to be something more than a place in the foundation of a
building that sported a commemorative plaque with the year the building was
erected. It was the reference point from which the entire building would be
carefully measured and constructed. Jesus Christ, being the standard by which
we will all be measured, is our cornerstone. He is the one we must align
ourselves to. If humanity were a building he would be the reference point from
which all things are to be measured and put in their proper place. The metaphor
in this passage underscores the authority that Jesus Christ has over all men. This
authority exists whether people believe in him or not. He is the one we are to
January 23, 2011
Meeting Christ at the Coffeehouse (The Coffeehouse Chronicles book set Giveaway!) | Inside Pages
January 22, 2011
Living an Eternal Life Now Part 5: The Only One Worthy of Your Allegiance
As you come to him to offer spiritual sacrifices .
. .
I remember
hearing that becoming a Christian is not achieved through an intellectual
consent but through a moral response. This statement needs to be qualified by
understanding it in the context of distinguishing between the intellectual
reception of truth and the intellectual perception of truth. There is nothing
objectionable in this statement when framed in that context. All men believe
something yet not all men have saving faith. Peter assumes the readers of his
letter possess saving faith. Those who have tasted that the Lord is good will
come to worship and praise him. Such is
the natural response after perceiving God’s mercy. Understanding what God has done for you as
an individual through Jesus Christ should result in genuine saving faith. A
sincere person needs to ask what exactly genuine saving faith is. There are so
many religions and denominations in the world today. How do you decide which
one is the right one? We must turn to the same principle the early
Christians were encouraged to apply in the midst of their own personal crisis.
God has been merciful in giving believers salvation through Jesus Christ. He
has also been merciful in giving us genuine evidence for saving faith through
Jesus Christ.
January 21, 2011
And the War Rages On
I met a doctoral candidate at the university while waiting for a friend outside of the dinning common. It turns out that he was a missionary to Germany. His ministry was focused on starting churches in communities located in the eastern part of Germany. I became very curious and began asking him questions about the challenges he faced sharing the gospel in Germany. He mentioned that the historically socialist environment as well as the current cultural climate had resulted in an entrenched atheistic perspective of life. He spent most of his time proclaiming the gospel and providing and promoting literature that gave a rational defense for the existence of God. He lamented at the fact that most people think that the concept of God is irrational and consider anyone who believes in God to be foolish. He said that Ben Stein was ridiculed for being in a video that promoted intelligent design as a more viable scientific alternative to evolution. I asked him if he saw similar attitudes here in the U.S. He mentioned that the same rhetoric that promotes the atheism in Europe is also found here. It left me thinking of our future as a nation founded on the principle of religious freedom.
January 17, 2011
Living an Eternal Life Now Part 4: Developing Spiritual Maturity
Since you have been born again (1Peter 1:22-2:3)
Christianity is unique in its approach to personal righteousness. Its
uniqueness lies primarily in the means by which a believer is made righteous.
The previous passage encouraged believers to prepare their minds for action by
focusing on the value of the gospel. The truth of the gospel is that Jesus came
to save us by taking our sins upon himself and dying on the cross in our place.
He was then buried and was raised on the third day as promised in the
Scriptures. The good news is that all who believe in him will be saved. The appropriate
response to the good news is to believe that Jesus Christ has paid for your
sins and to submit to his authority as Lord of your life. Salvation results in
a genuine response to the truth revealed by God that results in a change in your
personal focus. It is an event that has lasting consequences and can never be
reversed. It is an encounter with God that transforms the soul and cleanses the
heart. A purified soul is necessary before you can ever hope to have the
opportunity to love and serve God. The problem is that although people are cleansed
and forgiven at the moment of salvation they are not mature. This spiritual immaturity limits our ability
to love God and others. How can we grow spiritually and learn to love deeply
and genuinely?
January 15, 2011
Living an Eternal Life Now Part 3: Preparing Your Mind for Action
Place your hope on grace (1Peter 1:13-21)
decision to be a follower of Christ is something that has to be taken
seriously. More damage has been done by those who call themselves Christians
and betray the very Lord by whom they claim to be saved than by any other false
religion. I have heard testimonies of people who thought they had a vibrant
relationship with God under the health, wealth, and prosperity movement until
they got sick, lost loved ones to illness, or lost their homes. The failure to
place their hope on the true gospel resulted in a shipwreck of faith and
contempt for God. The reality is that they were hoping for things that were
never guaranteed. God has promised a living hope and an eternal inheritance
(1Peter 1:3-4) and has called us by his Holy Scriptures to a genuine faith that
results in salvation (1Peter 1:7, 9). He has become a heavenly Father to those
who believe in the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Because of this we have a relationship with him that needs to be
nurtured. This relationship comes with responsibilities that are not optional.
What must you consider if you are to be a serious follower of Christ?
January 8, 2011
Contentment vs. Complacency
challenged my family to learn to be content with the challenges and conditions God
places them in. Jude 5-7 came to mind as a warning given to all who rebelled against
God’s provision and the terrible consequences that will follow. This passage
should challenge every person because it points out that unbelief leads to
dissatisfaction resulting in rebellion against God himself. Faith, on the other
hand, leads to contentment and submission to God’s will as he provides and leads
us so we may accomplish great things for the sake of his kingdom and for his
When we
feel dissatisfied we are forgetting God’s sovereignty. We become complacent
when we forget his promises and blessings. The Bible says we are supposed to be
zealous for good works (Titus 2:14). Clearly, ambition is not the problem. The
problem is when we let ourselves be deceived into thinking that anything or
anyone besides God deserves to direct our ambition. The fine line between
contentment and complacency is drawn by our submission to God.
January 7, 2011
Living an Eternal Life Now Part 2: The Tested Genuineness of your Faith
The tested genuineness of your faith (1Peter 1:6-9)
Dianne recognized the implications of the gospel. She said she was trusting in Jesus as her savior. Unfortunately, her response revealed that her acknowledgment of the gospel was only an intellectual consent to the facts mentioned in the bible. She did not respond to her trials with a heartfelt conviction that God’s ways are the best ways. She chose to hold on to her pain and grow bitter rather than forgive, love, and confidently expect the fulfillment of the wonderful promises of God. She had not gained victory over sin! Instead, she was in the gall of bitterness and, ironically, enslaved to the same filth that she hated so much. It was clear that her faith lacked genuineness. Her decision to disobey God brought him no honor or glory. I find that everyone is guilty of the same faithlessness when they rebel against God. True believers rejoice in loving and depending on Jesus Christ because God has given us the precious gift of salvation through him. Where does a person gain this confidence and joy?
January 6, 2011
Living an Eternal Life Now Part 1: Multiplied Grace and Peace
May Grace and Peace be Multiplied to You (1Peter 1:1-2)
met her yesterday while I was walking my dog. Dianne seemed to grasp at the
attention she received from a simple hello. She began to tell me things, thing
I did not particularly care to hear. It was obvious this woman was hurting and
in bondage to her sin. I shared the gospel with her and let her know that Jesus
Christ is the answer to her pain. Her response made me realize that this person
had been receiving some form of spiritual training. She asked informed
questions, she said the right things about salvation and who Jesus Christ was.
That made the filth and corruption that came out of her mouth all the more
astounding. I had to let her know that I could not listen to her anymore and
left. My heart sank. I considered how God’s grace had preserved me from becoming like Dianne. Then I realized how
much like her I really am. Am I not tempted to adopt a victim mentality when
things don’t go my way? Do I not vilify people who hurt me? Am I not tempted to
absolve myself of any guilt or responsibility when my relationships are
breaking apart? We are all tempted to resent difficult circumstances and the
people through which they come. What grace have we been given to have peace in
the midst of difficult circumstances?
January 1, 2011
A Remedy for the Uncertainty of a New Year
Nebuchadnezzar came to Jerusalem and besieged it.
young woman who had recently given birth was admitted into the emergency room. A young nurse took her vital signs and began
to take her to the back room. With a nervous tremor in her voice the young
mother begged the nurse not to let her die. Surprised, the nurse looked at her
with a smile and said “you’re not going to die.” Minutes later the 20 something
year-old mother of an in infant only days old went into cardiac arrest. Death came
suddenly and completely unexpectedly. Years later that nurse told me this true story
to alert me to the fact that you never know what is going to happen with a
patient. The reality of the uncertainty of life made me uncomfortable at that
moment. How can we prepare for the uncertainty of life? How can we make every
day count even when confronted with adversity? The story of a young man named
Daniel helps us answer these questions.
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