Knowing God

How do I establish a relationship with God?

The first step in establishing a relationship with God is recognizing that you do not really know God personally. You may know about God but that is something completely different than having a personal relationship with God. Man's ignorance of God is universal because Adam offended God (Romans 5:12). People were created to have a relationship with God (John 17:3). However, in Adam, all men have turned from God and have become self-seeking (Romans 2:8) which has resulted in the terrible consequences of God's wrath (Romans 1:18).  The Bible teaches that all men have offended God (Romans 3:23). For this reason all men have been imprisoned under the influence and power of sin so that hope might be given to all men (Galatians 3:22).

The second step is counting the cost of your betrayal. Neglecting the fact that you have offended God results in condemnation because it is the same as suppressing what God has declared to be true (Romans 1:18; 1John 1:8, 10). Instead of refusing to deal with our sin we must recognize that there is no righteousness in us. We need the gospel of God (Romans 1:16-17). How does the gospel help us deal with our condemned state? It is through the gospel that God has demonstrated his righteousness (Romans 3:21-22). His righteousness is demonstrated through the exercise of his love toward all men by sending his son Jesus Christ to pay the penalty our sin deserves with his very life (Romans 5:8-9; 6:23).

The third step is believing the gospel. You must believe to be saved (Acts 16:30-31). Believing in this sense is not simply a consent to facts or ideas. It is an exercise of saving faith. Everyone trusts and depends on something throughout their life. In this sense everyone has faith. Saving faith is distinguished by the object of that faith. God has promised salvation to all men if we would make Jesus Christ the object of our faith (Romans 10:8-9). Trusting and depending on Jesus Christ is the only means for eternal life because he is the only eternal God! He is the creator of all things who has taken upon himself the form of man to suffer and die in our place (1Corinthians 15:3). The simplicity of the gospel makes it hard to believe. Eternal life is available for all who will believe in Jesus Christ and him crucified (John 3:16). Believing the gospel results in a genuine desire to be righteous. That means that you will turn from your sins as a response to the truth. This response occurs in your heart. Repentance is a complete change in purpose, intent, and desire. It is evidence that God has worked in your heart.

Isn't there something else that I need to do?

Absolutely not! Jesus Christ's sacrificial death alone is the only acceptable payment for your moral debt to God. Great heresies have arisen throughout the history of Christianity that would make people conform to rules as a means by which to earn salvation. The apostle Paul speaks on this issue numerous times. It is a self-evident truth of the gospel that righteousness comes by faith (Galatians 3:11) and the call to salvation is received for God's own purpose. It is a gracious gift that is granted in no other than Christ Jesus (2Timothy 1:9).

The confusion is rooted in the following misconceptions. On the one hand there is man's natural inclination to want to work for his own merit and on the other hand that a moral quality is necessary to be in a relationship with God. The Bible teaches that faith comes first then good works. The Christian makes his faith clearly evident by his works (James 2:18) and his goodness testifies to the power of God (Romans 12:21). Neither can earn him salvation. Only a genuine volitional response to the gospel resulting in a sincere commitment to live by God's truth is evidence of salvation (2Timothy 2:24-26). Genuine commitment results in action. This response then must be the proper motive for religion to be effective in pleasing God. Saving faith and works are not accidental. We are to willingly offer ourselves as living sacrifices (Romans 12:1) but only as a response to God's amazing work of grace through Jesus Christ (Romans 11:32-36).

I pray that you will consider and respond to the truth of God's holy word. Believe in Jesus Christ alone for salvation then walk in a manner worthy of the calling which you have received (Ephesians 4:1-3).


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