May 31, 2011
Trusting God Through Suffering; Job's example
The following is an answer to a person's response to an observation I made about his indignation to the use of Christian cliches as an explanation to the tragedy in Joplin MO. I hope it will edify the church. The person who I wrote this to is a professing agnostic who went to a bible college to prepare for ministry. His studies resulted in his agnosticism.
May 28, 2011
Are you convinced of the truth?
outside of the church today spend their time clinging to ideas that harden
their hearts to the message of the gospel. They confuse fleeting emotional
experiences with spirituality. In the end all they have upon which to base
their opinion is their own knowledge or their faith in someone else’s apparent
wisdom. Unfortunately, many inside the church do the same. I can relate because
I was likewise deceived well into my twenties. The more I listened to those who
had knowledge, the more I was acquainted with differing views, the more
sophisticated and ingrained my ideology. However, one day I experienced the
power of the gospel of Jesus Christ. The
simple message of the gospel has the power to transform all people and give
them victory over sin. In fact, even in its simplicity, it far surpasses all
human knowledge and wisdom. Its limitless quality is part of the reason why its
power can be experienced throughout the entire spectrum of human race and culture.
With the rise of world-wide persecution
of Christians and differing ideas competing to persuade people regarding what
is truth, people need to know why the gospel is so unique. How can we protect
ourselves and our children from being deceived by competing ideologies?
May 18, 2011
The Colossian Heresy: What can we learn from it?
I have been reading through and will be beginning an in depth analysis of the letter to the Colossians. One of the issues which good theologians discuss is the nature of false teaching among the Colossians. This discussion is a result of the attempt to find an actual religious movement that fits into the description deduced from Paul's warnings and commandments to the church at Colossae. This discussion is fascinating from an academic perspective and has resulted in a deeper understanding of some of the cultural and religious influences existing during the first decades of Christianity. However, on a practical level, there are universal principles that apply to us today.
May 13, 2011
Giving Honor to Whom Honor is Due
I graduated May 7th 2011 with a Master of Arts degree in Bible from Bob Jones University. I thank God for the faculty and staff who challenged me and equipped me to pursue God's will. I appreciate your hard work and example of love and Christian character.
I also thank God for the friends that I have made along the way. I appreciate all of your prayers on my behalf. I also appreciated having the privileged to serve God and work with you to advance his kingdom.
I praise God for my children, some of whom have never known daddy to be anything but a student at BJU.
Besides Christ, I am most indebted to my wonderful and godly wife who was willing to hold the comforts of this world loosely so I could pursue God's will. She is a treasure whose worth is beyond measure.
The next step will come in its own time. For now we are given rest. Not a rest of idleness or placid tranquility but a rest in the knowledge that God will accomplish all that he has planned for us. Now is the time to rejoice! Not the rejoicing as if something has finished but a rejoicing that comes from delighting in the privilege of service. We are filled with the joy of having been found faithful and willing to go the distance as the Lord guides and directs. It is in Him that we rejoice for He is our strength and salvation.
Romans 11: 33-36
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