April 27, 2012

Following Christ

     All people ascribe ultimate value to something. This tendency is known as worship. The object of a person’s worship will determine their religion as they seek to satisfy the universal desire to worship. But, what is the difference between religious folk and those who are truly spiritual? Questions like this are often asked by people who recognize the heart of the matter. They are specifically attempting to discern how you can know that you are not just going through the motions in your spiritual life. I am convinced that the only way to be a spiritual person is to be born again by trusting Jesus Christ for the payment for and forgiveness of sins. Faith in Christ alone is the only hope men have to overcome the death and frailty that all of us experience. Saving faith changes things. It convinces a person that true satisfaction only comes from following Jesus Christ. For most people, following Jesus Christ is a nebulous concept. How can you know that you are truly following Christ?


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