January 24, 2011

Living an Eternal Life Now Part 6: The Only One Worthy of Your Devotion

The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone. (1Peter 2:4-5)
                The cornerstone used to be something more than a place in the foundation of a building that sported a commemorative plaque with the year the building was erected. It was the reference point from which the entire building would be carefully measured and constructed. Jesus Christ, being the standard by which we will all be measured, is our cornerstone. He is the one we must align ourselves to. If humanity were a building he would be the reference point from which all things are to be measured and put in their proper place. The metaphor in this passage underscores the authority that Jesus Christ has over all men. This authority exists whether people believe in him or not. He is the one we are to obey. 
They stumble because they disobey the word as they were destined to. (1Peter 2:6-8)
                The religious leaders alive during Christ's earthly ministry should have recognized him and directed the people to follow him. Instead, they rejected Christ. They did not submit to his authority and did everything in their power to turn the people away from following him. This response was planned by God. It was this antagonism toward the truth of Scripture and the person of Jesus Christ that resulted in the betrayal of their true king. I find it interesting that one of the Greek words translated “offense”  is the root word from which we get our English word for scandal. God knew that men would respond in one of two ways to the truth of Christ’s rightful rule. They would either submit or rebel. Those who cling to the illusion of personal autonomy will rebel against the truth revealed in God’s word. This is the case with anyone who strives to be self righteous. Righteousness based on personal merit is the very reason why the Pharisees found the claims of Christ so offensive. They thought his teaching was scandalous because it went against their unsubstantiated ideals. The precious inheritance they sought could not be bought with the morality born in a corrupted heart. It is received through the means by which the giver of the inheritance has decided to give it. For this reason, faith in Jesus Christ is the only means by which eternal life is gained.
But you are a chosen race, a people for his own possession (1Peter 2:9-10)
                God has made it clear in this passage that his people are chosen for a specific purpose. They are given the privilege and responsibility of declaring how marvelous and excellent he is. Considering the infinite person of God, one could see how this activity will require eternity. The proclamation to the ones who are still in darkness as well as those who are called to walk in his marvelous light should be the preoccupation of every person who has experienced the goodness of God. The idea that we are his possession makes it clear that we are morally obligated to do so. Yet, this should not be a burden. We should always be contemplating on and responding to his mercy. More than that, we should extend his love to others in their affliction. We are to declare Christ and his excellent love by letting people know that he has made a way of escaping the wrath all men deserve because of their rebellion. If this sounds like a scandalous proposition to them, it is because they do not yet see their own sinfulness. We who have acknowledged that we have offended a holy and all powerful creator through our desire to be our own authority recognize that a simple acknowledgment of that offense is not enough to make things right. That would be like a murderer not being incarcerated simply because he confessed.  A payment must be given to satisfy God’s absolute holiness. Jesus Christ, the eternal God who robed himself with human nature paid that price. All we have to do is believe! The genuine response to the wondrous and eternal love extended toward us will result in a passion to serve God out of a pure heart and with a pure conscience.

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