January 1, 2011

A Remedy for the Uncertainty of a New Year

Nebuchadnezzar came to Jerusalem and besieged it.
       A young woman who had recently given birth was admitted into the emergency room.  A young nurse took her vital signs and began to take her to the back room. With a nervous tremor in her voice the young mother begged the nurse not to let her die. Surprised, the nurse looked at her with a smile and said “you’re not going to die.” Minutes later the 20 something year-old mother of an in infant only days old went into cardiac arrest. Death came suddenly and completely unexpectedly. Years later that nurse told me this true story to alert me to the fact that you never know what is going to happen with a patient. The reality of the uncertainty of life made me uncomfortable at that moment. How can we prepare for the uncertainty of life? How can we make every day count even when confronted with adversity? The story of a young man named Daniel helps us answer these questions.

They were to be educated for three years
       Daniel was an impressive young man (Daniel 1:3-4). He was placed in adverse circumstances unexpectedly and against his will. He was placed in a position where he would be easily influenced by a culture that was completely opposed to the Law of the one true God. It would have been easy to change and adapt to this new culture. Some things definitely had to change but Daniel was determined not to let himself be separated from his source of strength and comfort. He would need that strength to meet the rigors of the training he had to endure to survive. Daniel seemed to be in a mine field of sin. The culture around him was pregnant with seduction and distractions of every kind that would keep him from focusing on his personal relationship with God. Daniel did two things that resulted in his success in honoring God.

He resolved that he would not defile himself with the king's food.
1.       Daniel genuinely committed himself to do something. The word resolved is an interpretive translation of a phrase more literally rendered “he placed upon his heart or he placed upon himself.” The meaning of this phrase is expressed well by the word resolve because it is something that someone does internally in the very core of who they are. It communicates a genuine commitment to accomplish something at the expense of things that are less important. Daniel valued his personal relationship with God.  He chose to make decisions based on his personal and daily worship of Yahweh. An important observation is that he committed himself to a principle not a standard.  These principles were learned from the Scriptures.
2.       Daniel surrendered to God’s absolute control of his circumstances. We don’t really know what was on the king’s menu. The context does not say why Daniel would have been defiled if he ate the food provided. Much speculation on this issue has covered the pages of many biblical commentaries. All we do know is that Daniel discerned something about this food based on his knowledge of the Scriptures. This was also the only cultural influence that he could reasonably negotiate.

God gave Daniel favor and compassion in the sight of the chief of the eunuchs.
     The way Daniel approached the person that was in authority over him demonstrated his faith in God.  Daniel’s faith was not something that existed immediately without prior experience. His relationship with God did not become precious only in the crucible of exile. His discernment and convictions did not materialize over night. These precious weapons against despair must be honed and prepared before the battles come. Like a warrior, the Christian must equip himself and become skillful with the weapons he will use to defeat the enemy. Like a soldier, the Christian must trust the commander who plans the battle and gives the orders to advance even if it seems like suicide.  Only a personal relationship with God can prepare you for the uncertainty of life because only a relationship with God equips you with the hope of eternal life.  Today, your ability to have a personal relationship with Yahweh is based on your relationship with Jesus Christ.  God has said in Scripture that he that has the Son has eternal life (John 3:36; 1John 5:20). Though the death of our bodies is certain the death of our souls does not have to be. Life on this earth is uncertain. Love God, learn to obey him, and you will not have to fear even those who can kill the body.

Please make certain that you are trusting Jesus Christ alone for the salvation and preservation of your soul.

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